
This page will list some of the products that I have used, continue to use, or are considering their use. I have NO FINANCIAL INTEREST in any of the listed products.


  • PectaClear (helps when detoxing, to bind to and eliminate toxins) Take on an empty stomach.
  • Premier Research Lab's Aloe Pro - Aloe helps to soothe mucus membranes and heal the GI tract lining, working to repair damage done by inflammation from food allergies and from the use of antibiotics. 

  • Thorne Research brand BioGestcontains Ox Bile, Pancreatin, and Betaine HCL. Helps digestion and has brought the "half-moons" back into my nail beds. Take with meals. 

Thyroid Health

  • Selenium 
    • Selenium is needed for the liver to produce Glutathione, which is the body's most important detoxifying agent. 
    • The thyroid gland has the highest concentration of selenium out of any other gland in the body. Selenium is needed for the conversion of thyroid hormone T4 into the "usable" form, which is T3.
    • DO NOT take more than 400mcg of selenium a day. More is definitely NOT better when it comes to Selenium.
    • Did you know? ... that BRAZIL NUTS contain the highest amount of selenium out of any other food?

Adrenal Glands
- You have two of these glands, the glands sit perchednon top of your kidneys. 

- The thyroid and adrenals are intertwined. They depend on each other and work with each other to regulate your metabolism, hormones, temperature regulation, and many other functions. You cannot simply treat the thyroid without addressing your adrenals, you will only be throwing fuel into the fire. You must nourish the adrenals before you can begin baby kind of thyroid medication, whether it be Synthroid or NatureThroid (which is actually what I take currently). 

Adrenal supplements:
- salt, sea salt NOT table salt, start with a 1/4 teaspoon In a warm glass of water first thing upon waking.

- vitamin C

- B vitamins


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